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Hey ONE Bar crew! Rob here, sharing some advice on keeping workouts simple so you keep to your schedule. As a professional athlete and lacrosse coach, I’ve accumulated more workout tips than any one person could ever put to use. So today, I have a different approach for you: strength, cardio and core exercise with just ONE piece of equipment.

You can use a kettlebell, dumbbell or medicine ball to get a great workout without a whole rack of equipment.

Each one is functional enough to help you gain strength, but at a height that lets you jump over or lightly tap the equipment with your feet. This will allow you to sweat in any room in your house!


Man, I love bells. Their unique shape lets you get in whatever kind of workout you need: strength, endurance, cardio, whatever you want. Try this combo for a great all-around workout.

  • 15 KB swings
  • 50 KB toe-taps
  • 10 one-legged KB rows/leg
  • 25 jumps over the KB
  • KB squats
  • KB twists


I love recommending dumbbells because so many people have them around the house, and they’re pretty basic to use.

  • 10 DB push press
  • 30 DB skater hops
  • 10 bent-over DB rows
  • 30 DB figure-8’s
  • 10 DB lunges/leg
  • DB suitcases

Medicine ball

Don’t be afraid of the ball! A lot of people have never used a medicine ball, even though they’re always all over the gym. Try it—you’ll never go back.

  • 10 MB slams
  • 50 MB toe-taps
  • 10 squats with overhead hold
  • 10 burpees over the ball
  • 20 twists
  • 20 suitcases

Lots of us have been shut out of the gym lately.

Don’t let it be an excuse to not get in your workout!

There’s no reason why you can’t train for strength and endurance with just ONE piece of equipment. Get after it!


Rob Pannell Headshot
Rob Pannell
Credentials & Certifications:
Rob Pannell
Credentials & Certifications:

American Professional Lacrosse Player

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